Paolo Besagno (Genoa, 1964)
He studied Composition and Electronic Music with Riccardo Dapelo. It is precisely electronic music that characterizes its production even if for more than twenty-five years it has sung in the role of contralto in the formation of Genoese trallalero “I Giovani Canterini di Sant’Olcese”
In 1996 he won the Città di Recanati Award - New trends of the author song, with the song "O trallalero canson de‘ na vitta "for the Genoese folk singing team. In 2009 his song "In primo vere" for voices of girls and magnetic tape is selected and performed at Emufest at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia in Rome. In 2015 his song "Largo IV" for magnetic tape and 24-channel diffusion system is performed at the "Suoni Inauditi" festival at the "Pietro Mascagni" Institute of Music Studies in Livorno. In 2015 he founded the “EthnoGenova” voice consortium with the free sound organizer Rinaldo Marti, collaborating in the realization of a project for interactive / immersive listening through the use of the MAX software. In 2018 his song "Witte Vlam" was selected and performed at the "Rimusicazioni" festival in Bolzano.

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